The Rocky Horror Show is a wildly popular, campy, and eccentric musical that blends science fiction, horror, and comedy with elements of rock and roll. Written by Richard O'Brien, it first premiered in London in 1973 and has since become a cultural phenomenon, both as a stage production and through its iconic 1975 film adaptation, The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The show’s unique blend of irreverence, humour, and boldness has made it a staple in the world of theatre and cult cinema.
The Rocky Horror Show centres around two young, innocent lovers, Brad Majors and Janet Weiss, who, after a car breakdown on a rainy night, find themselves seeking refuge in a strange mansion. The mansion belongs to Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a flamboyant, transvestite scientist who is hosting a celebration for the creation of his latest "perfect man" – Rocky Horror, a muscular, blond, and charming figure. As the night unfolds, Brad and Janet are introduced to a bizarre and wild world filled with eccentric characters, including Frank-N-Furter's servants, Riff Raff and Magenta, as well as the hapless Eddie (a former delivery boy) and the mysterious Columbia.
Throughout the show, Brad and Janet undergo personal transformations, while Frank-N-Furter explores themes of desire, identity, and freedom. The story is full of surreal moments, subverting norms around sexuality and gender, and ultimately invites the audience to celebrate individuality, freedom, and non-conformity.