The musical follows Charlie Price, a young man who inherits his father’s struggling shoe factory in Northampton, England. Faced with the company’s financial collapse, Charlie meets a fabulous drag queen named Lola, who inspires him to create a line of sturdy but stylish boots for drag queens. Together, they work to transform the factory into a successful business, while also helping the workers discover their own sense of identity and purpose.
Kinky Boots is a story about embracing individuality, overcoming prejudice, and celebrating diversity. The show addresses themes of self-acceptance, love, friendship, and the importance of standing up for who you are. Charlie and Lola’s relationship evolves over the course of the show, highlighting the power of understanding and breaking down barriers.
Kinky Boots is a fun, energetic, and heartwarming musical that blends catchy pop tunes, humour, and deep emotional moments. Its powerful messages of acceptance, identity, and the importance of friendship make it a truly inspiring experience for theatre goers. Whether you're a fan of Cyndi Lauper’s music or enjoy musicals with strong, empowering themes, Kinky Boots offers a joyous and uplifting theatre experience.