Gabriel Iglesias, often known as "Fluffy," is a beloved American comedian and actor renowned for his storytelling, observational humour, and impressions. He combines comedy with relatable anecdotes, making him one of the most popular and successful comedians worldwide.
His Comedy Specials include "Hot and Fluffy" (2007), "I'm Not Fat... I'm Fluffy" (2009), "Aloha Fluffy" (2013), "Gabriel Iglesias: One Show Fits All" (2019, Netflix), "Gabriel Iglesias: Stadium Fluffy" (2022, Netflix). He performed this show in front of a sold-out crowd at Dodger Stadium.
His TV Shows include "Mr. Iglesias" (Netflix) – A sitcom where he stars as a high school teacher helping underprivileged kids. Also, "Last Comic Standing" – Gained national attention as a finalist. Gabriel is known for his global comedy tours, often performing in sold-out arenas.
Gabriel Iglesias is more than a comedian; he's a cultural icon, breaking barriers in the comedy world with his clean humour and embracing his heritage. He remains one of the most bankable and enduring figures in comedy.